#------------------------------------------------- # variables #------------------------------------------------- ROOT ?= $(shell pwd) TARGET ?= linux-release AC ?= ac++ PREFIX ?= /usr/local include vars.mk include files.mk LIBDIR := $(ROOT)/lib/$(TARGET) GENDIR := $(ROOT)/gen-$(RELEASE) INCDIR := $(ROOT)/include EXTDIR := $(ROOT)/extern OBJDIR := $(GENDIR)/obj-$(_TARGET) STEP1 := $(GENDIR)/step1 STEP2 := $(GENDIR)/step2 CONFIG := $(GENDIR)/puma.cfg ACNEWREPO ?= $(GENDIR)/acpp.repo # exported variables export GENDIR INCDIR EXTDIR LIBDIR OBJDIR STEP1 STEP2 export ROOT TARGET AC DONTWEAVE CONFIG ACNEWREPO export LEMSOURCES SOURCES CSOURCES ASPECTS # suppress reporting directory changes MAKE := $(MAKE) --no-print-directory #------------------------------------------------- # rules #------------------------------------------------- all: showinfo src weave: showinfo src compile: showinfo src showinfo: @echo @echo "---" @echo "Making PUMA for TARGET=$(TARGET)" @echo " Extensions = $(EXTENSIONS)" @echo " Release = $(RELEASE)" @echo "---" @echo tools: @cd $(ROOT)/tools && $(MAKE) src: tools @cd $(ROOT)/src && $(MAKE) $(MAKECMDGOALS) examples: tools @$(MAKE) -C $(ROOT)/src @cd $(ROOT)/examples && $(MAKE) doc: @echo "Generating Puma reference manual..." @doxygen doc/RefMan/doxygen.conf && echo "=> see doc/RefMan/html/index.html" install: src @echo "Installing library and headers..." @mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/lib @cp -pv $(LIBDIR)/libPuma.* $(PREFIX)/lib @mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/include/Puma @cp -pv $(INCDIR)/Puma/*.*h $(PREFIX)/include/Puma uninstall: @echo "Uninstalling library and headers..." @rm -fv $(PREFIX)/lib/libPuma.* @rm -rfv $(PREFIX)/include/Puma clean: tools-clean @cd $(ROOT)/src && $(MAKE) clean tools-clean: @cd $(ROOT)/tools && $(MAKE) -s clean examples-clean: @cd $(ROOT)/examples && $(MAKE) -s clean docs-clean: @echo "Making docs clean..." @rm -rf $(ROOT)/doc/RefMan/html cleanall: test-clean examples-clean tools-clean docs-clean @echo "Making completely clean..." @rm -rf $(ROOT)/lib @rm -rf $(ROOT)/gen-* distclean: clean examples-clean docs-clean @cd $(ROOT)/src && $(MAKE) distclean libclean: @echo "Removing library and object files..." @rm -f $(LIBDIR)/libPuma.* @rm -rf $(OBJDIR) @rm -rf $(STEP2)/dep test: test-all test-%: @echo "Making tests $*..." @$(MAKE) -C tests -s $* #------------------------------------------------- # targets #------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: all tools src install examples distclean cleanall \ clean tools-clean examples-clean libclean weave compile uninstall doc