Installation ============ 1. Download LLVM 3.4 and clang 3.4 from 2. Unpack in the AspectC++ root. 2.1. Rename the extracted directory to llvm. 2.2. Unpack and rename clang into llvm/tools/clang. 3. Apply aspectclang-3.4.diff in the new clang directory. cd llvm/tools/clang && patch -p0 < ../../../AspectC++/aspectclang-3.4.diff 4. Run in the LLVM directory: ./configure --enable-optimized --enable-assertions --disable-terminfo --disable-clang-arcmt --disable-clang-static-analyzer --enable-targets=x86 4.1. If you have a cross-compilation or 32 bit userland with a 64 bit kernel add --target=your-target to the configure line. The target argument can be determined with: gcc -v 2>&1 | grep Target It might also be necessary to specify the name of the installed compiler as in ... ./configure --enable-optimized --enable-assertions --disable-terminfo --disable-clang-arcmt --disable-clang-static-analyzer --enable-targets=x86 --target=i486-linux-gnu CC=gcc CXX=g++ 5. Run: make REQUIRES_RTTI=1 You may add -j on a multicore machine to reduce compilation time. 6. Compile AspectC++ as usual.